2017 Activities

Awards granted by CAEF-F4 to the students of Fossong-Wentcheng CES and CETIC and these of Fongo-Ndeng High School and CETIC

The ceremonies occured on January 8th in the schools' yards.
Here is the image gallery of the ceremony in Fossong-Wentcheng, with the presence of the Superior Chief of the groups, his Majesty YMELE II 
(Click on the pictures to have them wide open) 

You can watch the speech of His Majesty during the event:



And these are the images taken in Fongo-Ndeng 
(Click on the pictures to have them wide open) 

[2018], [2017], [2011], [2010], [2009], [2008], [2006], [2005], [2004], [2003]